Bourdon tube pressure gauges Type R16, R10, R10 with alarm contacts, R11, R20, R20
 with alarm contacts, R21, R23, R23 with alarm contacts,R14, R24, R25
Diaphragm pressure gauges with alarm contact Type P10, P10 with alarm contacts, P15, P15 with alarm contacts,
P20, P20 with alarm contacts, P23, P23 with alarm contacts, P11
Capsule pressure gauges Type K10, K20
Differential pressure gauges Model DR10, DR20, DM10, DM 10 with alarm contacts,
 DM20, DM20 with alarm contacts, DK10, DE10, DE20, DE15, DE25.
Pressure transmitters and level probes Model PS, DPS, DS, DDS, CS, DCS, NCS,
 BS, ME10, ME20, ME15, ME25.
Chemical seals for pressure gauges and transmitters D700, D713, D711, D702, D712, D714, Flushing ring for cell- und flange diaphragm seals,
D706.1, D710, D705, D707, D706, D708, D704, D704.1, D709
Fittings and installation accessories
 for pressure gauges
Pressure gauge cocks, DIN
Pressure gauge valves, DIN
Pressure equalising valves for Differential Pressure Gauges
Syphons DIN 16282
Joining pipes, Two ways distributor
Capillary extensions
Overpressure protectors
Operating instructions
Surface mounting bracket DIN 16281
Sealing rings
Adaptors cham soc me va be sau sinh
In-line filters, Temperature decoupler
High pressure hoses & measuring adaptors
Bimetal thermometers Type B10, B10 with alarm contacts, B20, B20
 with alarm contacts, B11, B12, B13, B23, HB10, AB10.
Gas expansion thermometers Type F20, F20 with alarm contacts, F21, F21 with alarm contacts
Glass-in-metal machine thermometers Type M10
ThermocouplesThermocouples Type T21 / T22, T41, T46, T62, T64, MTE20, T81, T53, T61.
Resistance thermometers Type T20, T20.U.10, T20.3, T40, T45, T30, T70, T80, T52, T60,
 T50.05/09, T51, T50, T63, T62, T62.04, T65,
 T82, HPT100, RT100, TU01, 02…, TS01, 02….
Thermometer with digital display Type TE20, TE25, 
Thermowells for thermometers Thermowell DIN 43772,
Thermowell DIN 16179, Thermowell ASME/ANSI PTC 19.3,
 Welding adaptor for Thermowell, Thermowell to weld in with fixation screw, Flange-connection
Alarm contacts electric and pneumatic Type S, M, E, I, P
Relays for alarm sensors Type MSR, MSR-I, KFA6-SR2-Ex1.W, KFA6-SR2-Ex2.W,
 KFA6-SR2-Ex2.W.IR, KHA6-SH-Ex1, KFD2-SH-Ex1
Power supplys / transmitters / channel selectors Type UNT, GS, DTV, MU410, MU410-Ex, KFD0-SCS-Ex1.55, MSU
Electric indicating instruments Type DA 11, DA 12, DA 12.1/.2, DA 14, ES, DA 20, DA 25.