Bircher Reglomat Vietnam - PrimeTec - - Thiết bị tự động hóa công nghiệp - ANS Vietnam

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Bircher Reglomat Vietnam - PrimeTec

Loại sản phẩm: Combined Technology

Mã sản phẩm: PrimeTec

Nhà cung cấp: Anh Nghi Sơn

Xuất Xứ: chính hãng

Hãng sản xuất: Bircher Reglomat Vietnam

Giá : Vui lòng liên hệ


Your Complete Activation and Safety Solution for Automatic Pedestrian Doors

Bircher Reglomat's PrimeTec is a dual technology combined motion/presence sensor that uses microwave technology to activate the automatic sliding door while the active infrared safety curtain is used to protect people in the closing path of the door. 


  • Meets of exceed ANSI standard 156.10 as independently tested by TUV Rheinland of North America (see certificate in downloads section)
  • Simple & straightforward operation via programming buttons and LCD display
  • Best-in-class detection of small children
  • Uses standard industry 10-pin cable connector for quick installation (6 or 8-wire)
  • Easy to retrofit with detachable screw terminals (4-wire connection)
  • Clear inclination angle display allows for precise positioning of the safety curtain
  • Features slow motion detection for enhanced safety
  • Unwanted opening is reduced with direction recognition & cross-traffic optimization features
  • Operational at mounting heights up to 13' (4 m)
  • Monitoring input with self-configuration for easy
    Bircher Reglomat PrimeTec combined technology sensor