Bircher Reglomat Vietnam - PrimeMotion - - Thiết bị tự động hóa công nghiệp - ANS Vietnam

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Bircher Reglomat Vietnam - PrimeMotion

Loại sản phẩm: Combined Technology

Mã sản phẩm: PrimeMotion

Nhà cung cấp: Anh Nghi Sơn

Xuất Xứ: chính hãng

Hãng sản xuất: Bircher Reglomat Vietnam

Giá : Vui lòng liên hệ


Microwave Motion Sensor for Automatic Pedestrian Swing Doors

Bircher Reglomat's PrimeMotion microwave sensor for automatic pedestrian swing doors is a compact and affordable choice ideal for retrofit applications.


  • Quick and easy setup via four DIP-switches and a potentiometer
  • Reduced unwanted opening with direction recognition & cross traffic optimization features
  • Operational at mounting heights up to 13' (4 m)
  • Pre-wired detachable connector can also be used as screw terminal for retrofit installations